Monday, 12 July 2010
Broken Bones, Crashing Cars and Bye Bye Bolivia
Monday, 26 April 2010
Long Overdue
As you know I arrived back in the park in October and Matt followed on in early December after finishing a job with Raleigh International in Borneo. It quickly became apparent that the problems we had to deal with in the park last year were just a warm up to what was to happen this year. Without boring you with all of the details for quite a while now there has been a growing rift within the internal management of Inti Wara Yassi - the NGO that we work for. This came to a head this year when the president of the organisation launched an unpleasant and personal attack on both the vice-president and Matt (the administrator), and so the first few months of 2010 were taken up with endless paper work and meetings with lawyers on how best to move forward for the benefit of the community and the animals. It was decided that this would sadly involve removing the president. It was a really tough and draining time for Matt (largely due to the presence of death threats and an ensuing restraining order taken out against said president), and so it was almost a blessing that at the same time we were very short on volunteers and so Matt had to escape to the jungle most days to walk with Roy – the puma he has been working with off and on since 2006.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Matt and Sarah go there separate ways
During this time I was sweating in the jungle in Bolivia, where I was back into the role of coordinator and in charge of the spider monkey park within 2 hours of arriving. It was a tough time as the park director was away for a lot of it and matt wasn´t there so I was stuck with all the income and expenditure, idiot volunteers to deal with and 30+ monkeys to look after. In addition to all that fun I was elected as Guinea pig of how to get a 12 month temporary residence visa in Bolivia, involving 5 24 hour return journeys to La Paz, only to find that all the documents I had got in La Paz were invalid and I had to go through it all over again in Cochabamba. A chance to see Bolivian Bureaucracy atits finest!
Fortunately 5 weeks passed relatively quickly and Matt and I were reunited at Santa Cruz airport (deja vu as that is where we first met 4 and half years ago... ahhhh). Throughout December our feet barely touched the ground as we worked all the hours that God sent, regardless of chrsitmas or new year, wknds, evenings etc sob sob violin music. On a more serious note though it has been a tough few months as there have been very low volunteer numbers (we have hit the lowest ever recorded number of volunteers - 16) which has met that matt has been working with two cats, as well as being volunteer coordinator, cat coordinator, accomodation coordinator, administrator etc etc (basically he is just trying to get the largest number of titles he can - and according to him, holds the current record).
So we find ourselves standing on the edge of another separation. Gazing into the gorge of loneliness but happy in the thought that we will still bask under the same sky of love that will keep us together and unite us despite the distance between us(yes - matts words not mine) . Matt and I have left the park and we arrived in Sucre on Thursday for a mad couple of days of getting things organised for the first Quest groups arrival on Monday. Our hard work has paid off though and so Matt and I are enjoying a whole day of relaxing together today - the first we have had in many many months! Sucre is a beautiful city and quite compact so you can walk everywhere. The main square is lovely and there´s always lots going on. There´s lots of good food and the climate is mild, so it is a welcome change from the steamy heat and torrid rain storms of the jungle. I will be in charge of the group this year, so we will go our separate ways for the next three weeks whilst I stay with the group during their language classes in Sucre, and Matt returns to the park. We will briefly reunite in La Paz before another 4 week stint apart: 10 days of construction work in the new park followed by 2 weeks working with animals in the old park, whilst Matt is off doing a wrecky for the new expedition route. Finally on March 8th we will be reunited with the group to run the expedition together. Hopefully we will fill you in around then!
Sorry for the lack of updates... we don´t expect to improve in 2010.
All our love,
Matt & Sarah x
Friday, 23 October 2009
Brimbles Bavarian and Bornean Blog
Not ones to enjoy a slow paced life, we got off the plane at Heathrow after our flight from Lima with enough time to stop off for a bacon and egg fry up with grandma and grandpa before heading down to Brighton for the Quest reunion. Despite us flying around the world for it, sadly only 5 of our students made the effort to come (ungrateful *&$%%££$s!) but at least we got to play on the bouncy castle so it was all worth it in the end.
After enjoying a rare few days together, Matt headed down to Somerset to catch up with his family and then off to Brighton for a very successful Quest meeting with the British Standards people. I joined him briefly with a pretend fractured sesamoid which managed to get me out the karaoke evening but didn't see us getting out of signing up for another year with Quest. We're still not really sure how that happened!
Off we went for an extremely civilised Brimbles-Richards trip to Cat and Tobi's wedding in Switzerland. Beautiful views, s

After another manic week in England of organising and sorting it was finally ho
After hanging out with Jim, we transferred to the island of Mabul where we stayed for 4 days diving. The diving was INCREDIBLE. It’s difficult to say what the highlight was as t
The next day we headed north to the village of Sukau, situated on the lower Kinabatangan river. We stayed in a beautiful lodge backing onto the river and went on a tranquil river cruise where we spotted numerous groups of long tailed macaques, two wild Orangutans (very cool) and group of Proboscis monkeys, including a mail giving one of his harem a bit of a ‘seeing to’! We also saw two of the highly acclaimed Hornbills (Rhinoceros and Asian pied) and a few Kingfisher birds. It was a wonderfully relaxed afternoon and it was incredible to see such pristine and untouched rainforest.
Before returning to Kota Kinabalu we visited the Sepilok Orangutan rehabilitation centre where we saw one of their feedings and took lots of rubbish photos. It was very interesting seeing a project similar to ours in someways (they rescue orphaned orangutans as a lot of the rainforest and the Orangutans natural habitat is being destroyed by the palm oil industry, and rehabilitate them and release them back into the wild). However, at the same time the project is so different as they have government backing and heaps of funding and support... two things we have in very short supply in Bolivia.
Now I'm back in the UK with my sis for a few days before heading back to the park for another year, and Matt's group of Junior Lawyers have just arrived for three weeks of installing a gravity water feed system in the northern Pitas district of Borneo. Huge apologies to those who I meant to catch up with whilst being back but have not managed to. It has been such a whirlwind stay and I can't quite believe we are already heading back.
Lots and lots of love to all and I will check back in from the deep Bolivian jungle asap,
Thursday, 20 August 2009
I know – WHERE HAVE THE BRIMBLES BEEN? Are they OK? Was Matt finally beaten by Roy the puma? Did Sarah get so bored of looking after sick students that she moved even deeper into the jungle to join a wild spider monkey colony? Sadly nothing quite so exotic has befallen the Brimbles and the boring truth is that the Brimbles have been busy. Plane, boring old western style ‘too busy to keep in touch’ kind of busy. Sorry. So, before we get to bore you all in person when we get back (less than 3 weeks!) with the details of what we have been up to since May (even more boring for us than for you), we will write it all here, so please don’t be offended if when you ask us we refer you back to the blog, entry of August 20th, ‘Where have the Brimbles been?’.
We managed to get rid of most of the Quest students at the end of May, when I immediately sped the 36 hour bus journey from Cusco back to the park. Matt followed en suite, having still not quite managed to shrug off one of the students who followed him back. After 7 short days working and being in the park together, I returned to Cusco to meet up with Mr & Mrs C for the looooong planned Peru/Bolivia adventure , leaving Matt in the park. Mum and Dad’s ‘concerns’ about travelling in a 3rd world country worked to my advantage as I swapped 2* ‘modest’ hostels for 4 & 5* luxury hotels, and travelling ‘local’ style (aka in a sardine can) for private cars and aeroplanes (not private ones, sadly). After a wonderful ten day tour of Peru (Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Cusco & Lake Titikaka) and Bolivia (island of the sun and La Paz). We finished off in the park where we met Matt and his dad, Mike, who came out to volunteer for two weeks before a spot of travel with Matt. Despite having three parents around at the same time, which was about three too many (just joking oldies), it was very special to share our home and our lives with them and we really enjoyed having them here (yes, they are reading this). After a couple of days in the park Mum and Dad departed and Matt and his Dad set off to travel Sucre, Potosi, the salt flats and Santa Cruz, which I am lead to believe went very well (yes, I believe Mike is also reading this if he can figure out how to turn a computer on). This time it was my turn to be left in the park , not only managing 30 monkeys but also coordinating 50 + volunteers, managing accommodation and at times also in charge of all park income and expenditure.
Still not time for us to be in one place at one time together, Matt kindly stopped off to surprise me for 10 hours in the park after Mike left, before speeding on to La Paz to meet his next group. The four weeks after the ten hour reunion were pretty tough for both of us. I managed to get one day off from the 7 days a week 14 hours a day work, and Matt didn’t get a single day off as he was with his ‘group’ of two girls working in three different parks. One more tag team was played as Matt arrived with his group the day before his birthday, so fortunately we did get to spend his birthday together... until midnight when I got a bus to Santa Cruz to meet my friends Emma, Lucy and Caroline. Apart from Caroline’s bags being lost twice before she even got to the park, we had a great trip – a couple of days in the park followed by Sucre, Potosi, the salt flats and La Paz (original!) before Caroline left. After that the three of us trekked the three day Choro trail and then spent a couple of days on the island of the sun before finishing the trip with a couple more days in the park. Again, it really was very special having them come and visit and I really appreciated them giving up their summer holidays to come to Bolivia – not the most exotic of places (they’re reading this too :o)!
So, the Brimbles are finally back in the park together for two weeks until making our way up to Lima for our flight home. This is the part where we are probably supposed to write some deep thoughts and reflections on this year, but that all seems a bit final and I am tired just thinking about the last few months so we will leave it for now.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Quest Expedition
This demonstrates two things: 18 year olds can no longer write English (where are the capital letters at the beginning of sentences? Since when are full stops and commas interchangeable? And Mr Sealey definitely t
Quest Project
Hanging out with Negra