Tuesday 23 December 2008

Christmas with monkeys!

So, here it is, the Christmas edition.

I apologise to those of you following this, as Sarah has drafted me in to throw the latest instalment together, and as many of you already know, I'm not always the most patient of people, the internet is so poor here that I'm ready to put my head through the screen after almost half an hour of waiting to get to this one page!!!
So please forgive if this offering is not quite as eloquent as what Sarah normally offers up.

We have almost been a month in the park now and we are both still really enjoying it.
As followers will know, Sarah is working with the spider monkeys and has spent the last week (or two) as acting 'Alpha male' in the absence of a suitable man to do the role. The monkeys have been getting more problematic up there so a man has been drafted in from tomorrow. Although Sarha will still be the boss.
I had a fantastic month with Roy and actually starting receiving some affection from him - something he gives out very sparingly. However the call of duty beckoned and from yesterday I have been working on the park accounts - it's like 1998 all over again! They have 7 lever arch files FULL of unrecorded receipts that I have to go from and input. Why someone couldn't have started it before now baffles me, but it needs to be completed by the end of the year, so my nose is to the grindstone.

We do still have big plans for Christmas festivities though and as we speak Sarah and a few others are out buying materials for a Cottage pie, Roast chicken, a number of salads and some deserts, one of which I beleive includes Apple crumble! Yum.
We are having a large meal tomorrow (Bolivians traditionally celebrate on Christmas Eve) and are doing our secret santa then. Then on the day itself we will be working and are trying to organise some sort of pool party for the afternoon/evening, although considering it has started raining at around 4 or 5 every afternoon for the last few days, I'm not sure how much of a success it will be! But then we did chose to be here in the rainy season.

We do miss you all loads, especially at this time of year and hope that you have a fantastic time over the Christmas break. We send you lots of love and goodwishes.
Have a wonderful Christmas period,

Lots of love,

Matt, Sarah, Roy and the Monkeys
x x x x x x

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