Monday, 15 December 2008

Inti Warra Yassi Animal Refuge

Alfito the gorgeous spider monkey

So after a month of fun, the hard work has begun and we have now been at the animal refuge for 2 and a half weeks. Apologies for the lack of contact but since we are working from 7:30am until often 20:30 in Matts case (19:00 usually for me, until tomorrow when I am supposed to become Volunteer Accommodation Manager - eek, and then will have to work most evenings), we have been poretty tired and the internet connection here is pretty bad.

Matt has been working with a puma called Roy who he ´walks´ (mainly runs) for about 3 hours every morning and 3 hours every afternoon. He has also taken on the position of Volunteer Coordinator so the little time we had left to enjoy together of an evening has come to an end! Basically Matt assigns every new volunteer with an animal to work with and sorts out all the issues that current volunteers have with their animals.

Roy The Puma

I am working with a group of 32 spider monkeys, most of which are totally barmy. They all sleep in a cage at night so there is a lot of cleaning and feeding and 8 of them are on runner systems as they are prone to running off and turning up in random villages where they run the risk of being recaptured and sold into captivity. The others are free to roam around the park as they wish all day. They really are gorgeous animals, and getting a hug with all arms, legs and tails from a spider monkey is an expoerience that really everyuone should be entitled to in life - boy do they know how to hug! I promise more park news will follow sooner rather than later.

Much love to all and big monkey hugs xxxxx

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